High Performance CEO

Make Sure Your Largest Customers Are Happy

This show is made with one purpose, to help you create an autonomous and engaged high performance organization. Where we deliver you proven strategies and expert interviews on how to drive significant profit growth, create an ownership culture and give you the time freedom you always wanted from your business.

In this episode we have the pleasure of interviewing Francisco Martins dos Santos on the show, and Francisco is the CEO of Winncare, has grown to over 35 employees.

Francisco is an industrial engineer passionate for getting shit done. His professional life has been in business management with specialization in the pharma industry.

Currently he is the CEO for Winncare Iberia & Latin America, a company that manufactures & sells medical devices for dependent people. His main goal in life is to empower and help people, learning and growing together. He describes himself through 4 words: Progress, Excellence, Consistency and Celebration.


  1. Culture
    1. Define now, and what you want it to be
  2. Hire Slow, Fire Fast
  3. Include team on all major decisions
  4. Focus on largest customers for partnership and value delivery

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Episode 113