High Performance CEO

Ever wonder how some CEO’s are able to stay grounded and centered in a world of constant challenges?

This show is made with one purpose, to help you create an autonomous and engaged high performance organization. Where we deliver you proven strategies and expert interviews on how to drive significant profit growth, create an ownership culture and give you the time freedom you always wanted from your business.

In this episode we have the pleasure of interviewing Luke Stanton on the show, Luke is the CEO of Save Around, a very successful coupon book model business that has grown to over $10M and 60 employees since inception.

In this episode, Luke and I discuss the secrets to staying grounded and centered in the crazy world of business.  Luke shares with us the importance of always having a mentor and keeping family close as you grow.  We also dive into some high level business organization and structure, starting with a clear vision and boiling all the way down to setting up the business rules centered around goals and clear KPI’s.

You don’t want to miss this episode!   Join us for this week’s episode of the Exitable Business Podcast here:

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Episode 8